General Statement

The interest rate market is subject to movements without advance notice. Locking in a rate protects you from the time that your lock is confirmed to the day that your rate lock period expires.

Lock-In Agreement

A lock is an agreement by the borrower and the lender and specifies the number of days for which a loan’s interest rate and points are guaranteed. Should interest rates rise during that period, we are obligated to honor the locked rate. Should interest rates fall during that period, the borrower must honor the locked rate.

When Can I Lock?

In some cases, your online application will provide all the information needed and you will have the option to lock by contacting us at 413-589-9966 Ext. 2.


We charge a fee for locking in your interest rate of $500. This amount will be credited to your closing costs provided you close your loan within your lock-in period.

Lock Period

We currently offer a 60 day lock-in period. This means your loan must close and disburse within this number of days from the day your lock is confirmed by us.

Lock Confirmation

You will be required to sign a Rate Lock Agreement to confirm your intent to lock-in your loan.

Lock Changes

Once we accept your lock, your loan is committed to the terms of your Rate Lock Agreement. Should you wish to renegotiate your Rate Lock Agreement your $500 fee will be forfeited; and we will discuss another Rate Lock Agreement with you. Rate lock fee will be automatically refunded on denied loan applications.

None of the loan programs we offer have penalties for prepayment. You can pay off your mortgage any time with no additional charges.

Mortgage interest rate movements are as hard to predict as the stock market and no one can really know for certain whether they’ll go up or down.

If you have a hunch that rates are on an upward trend then you’ll want to consider locking the rate as soon as you are able. Before you decide to lock, make sure that your loan can close within the lock in period. It won’t do any good to lock your rate if you can’t close during the rate lock period. If you’re purchasing a home, review your contract for the estimated closing date to help you choose the right rate lock period. If you have any secondary financing on the home that won’t be paid off, allow some extra time since we’ll need to contact that lender to get their permission.

If you think rates might drop while your loan is being processed, take a risk and let your rate “float” instead of locking.

The Federal Truth in Lending law requires that all financial institutions disclose the APR when they advertise a rate. The APR is designed to present the actual cost of obtaining financing, by requiring that some, but not all, closing fees are included in the APR calculation. These fees in addition to the interest rate determine the estimated cost of financing over the full term of the loan. Since most people do not keep the mortgage for the entire loan term, it may be misleading to spread the effect of some of these up front costs over the entire loan term.

Also, unfortunately, the APR doesn’t include all the closing fees and lenders are allowed to interpret which fees they include. Fees for things like appraisals, title work, and document preparation are not included even though you’ll probably have to pay them.

For adjustable rate mortgages, the APR can be even more confusing. Since no one knows exactly what market conditions will be in the future, assumptions must be made regarding future rate adjustments.

You can use the APR as a guideline to shop for loans but you should not depend solely on the APR in choosing the loan program that’s best for you. Look at total fees, possible rate adjustments in the future if you’re comparing adjustable rate mortgages, and consider the length of time that you plan on having the mortgage.

Don’t forget that the APR is an effective interest rate–not the actual interest rate. Your monthly payments will be based on the actual interest rate, the amount you borrow, and the term of your loan.

Points are considered a form of interest. Each point is equal to one percent of the loan amount. You pay them, up front, at your loan closing in exchange for a lower interest rate over the life of your loan. This means more money will be required at closing, however, you will have lower monthly payments over the term of your loan.

To determine whether it makes sense for you to pay points, you should compare the cost of the points to the monthly payment savings created by the lower interest rate. Divide the total cost of the points by the savings in each monthly payment. This calculation provides the number of payments you’ll make before you actually begin to save money by paying points. If the number of months it will take to recoup the points is longer than you plan on having this mortgage, you should consider the loan program option that doesn’t require points to be paid.

Interest rates fluctuate based on a variety of factors, including inflation, the pace of economic growth, and Federal Reserve policy. Over time, inflation has the largest influence on the level of interest rates. A modest rate of inflation will almost always lead to low interest rates, while concerns about rising inflation normally cause interest rates to increase. Our nation’s central bank, the Federal Reserve, implements policies designed to keep inflation and interest rates relatively low and stable.